While searching for the crocus the other day, I was delighted to find two clumps of "tulpen" at two different locations in the garden. They must have been planted there by the previous occupants of the house. In case anyone is wondering, tulpen in dutch means tulips. To my surprise they looked much bigger, greener and healthier than our grown ones !!!
I wonder what colour they will be.....
We had planted about 800 of tulip bulbs towards the end of November last year. It was our second attempt in the Netherlands, with the first attempt almost a complete failure due to ignorance and sheer stupidity :D You might want to read the story of that never to forget experience here :D Being a dreamer that I am, of course I am hoping that our tulips will grow into a Mini Keukenhof, where naturally all the Bollywood stars wannabe could have a chance to practice their sexy little zumba dance :D
It seems to be a difficult beginning for my dear tulips. Two days after the bulbs were planted, it snowed !!! For the first time in the year !!! Can you imagine that... in November !!! And it was rather a heavy snow !!! I worried the condition of our bulbs, the soil had yet to settle around them and the snow might somehow damage the precious bulbs. Sometime in early February, to my horror I found a dear blogger Ravishing In Red who was currently staying somewhere in UK, had posted an entry showing her tulip and it was already a few inches high !! Mine had yet to show their first leaf !!!
But finally, they show up :D
The soil looks a bit dry... maybe that's why they are slow in coming out hmmm...
Up close
I like this one :D
All of the above pictures were taken on 11th of March. Some leaves had opened up and yet others were still tightly closed.... They seem to be a longggg way from flowering. I wonder how the tulips at Keukenhof are doing. It's been a wonderful beginning for spring, sunny and not windy and not too cold. I hope it remains that way and I sure hope my tulpen will turn out allright.
Best nye rop..... Tulips and other bulps species like to hibernate before they grow. I love tulips.... Do you know that tulip originated from turkey and their national flower???
Oh, 800 of them? girl, you seriously waiting for a star to pose there? :-D
mmm..if no bollywood star, TGanu wood okay tak? but no sexy sexy eh..
oh, I'm sure they will flower come this April..hehe
alamak..bestnya! nanti mesti tayang tulip byk2 yea..ehehe..sini tanah & rumput pun belom nampak kelibat..camana nak tanam bunga :-)
800 tulip bulbs! Wow it must look spectacular when the right time for it to bloom.How much is one bulb of tulip there in RM out of curiosity if you don't mind. Here, we get one bulb about RM6. I got a few daffodils and jonquail bulb from new friends.
TGanu gals pun oke :D
Lady Lavender,
Let's hope they flower and I'll show it here :D
Malay-Kadazan girl,
800 seem a lot... but in reality they don't look that much. The other day we bought at the Flower Market in Amsterdam - 50 bulbs about 8 euros(on offer). It is normally around 10 euros (mixed varieties). Single colour and bigger bulbs are more expensive. The rate now is 4.2 I think :D
Aahhh...I remember an old book, a mystery, about the quest to find a black tulip. Many people died in the process. I'd better check if tulips are OK for cats. You know....that friendly neighbourhood feline that loves visiting your garden. purrr....meow!
Murahnya...I saw this quiz show in TV. When Tulip first came into fashion, one bulb cost more than buying a cow!I think about 16th century like that.
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