But we felt even more cold when we got home on Thursday when we stepped into the house and realised that our house was broken into...
All the cabinets and drawers in the house were in a mess, stuff scattered... A few precious things were taken including two laptops and my precious external hard disk.
Things happen for a reason... I believe. Sometimes we forget our responsibility, our duty... to Allah S.W.T, to our family and to others. In this materialistic world, we are sometimes too busy chasing the finer things in life, we forget or rather tend to delay the most basic things. Sometimes we take things for granted and are never thankful for what we have, instead we keep complaining and always denying what we have.
I "redha" with the loss of material things, but I feel truly sad with the loss of the external hard disk. The precious memories inside the disk is priceless and irreplaceable. DS suggested that we could revisit the places and recapture the memories... :D That is sweet of him to suggest that but I told him that he could never be small again....
ya allah kesiannya..saya tumpang simpati. Ada kes pecah rumah jugak kat sana yea..kat sini jrg2 sgt dengar ada criminal case. byk2 bersabar.
my sympathy! br balik bercuti pulak tu.... i like ur attitude - 'redha'! worse things could happen kan, like what if rumah broken into while the family semua kat rumah...
i can imagine the sadness over losing the external hard disk. takpe lah dear, memory tu in ur mind n heart now :)
Oh dear oh dear... :(
Kesiannya! I am so sorry for your loss. I cannot imagine losing the external hard disk! All my pictures of family is inside! You know, since everything is digital, I never print the pictures out anymore. Ah, I seriously thought an external hard disk is a good back up. It looks like I should think of the same consequences too. Thank you! We should all learn from this painful incident.
take care ok! I believe everything happens for a good reason. Always believe in that... Keep your smiling face!
OMG! I wish I could send all powers in the universe to track down that criminal! Or at least send some cats to poo poo at his/her house! ((((((HUGS)))))) purrrr......meow!
Lady Lavender,
Kami pun tak sangka nak jadi kes begini, ingatkan selamat la kat belanda ni.. kat M'sia yg banyak kes masuk rumah pun alhamdulillah kami selamat. Tapi kalau ye pun janganla ambik external disk tu... bukannya mahal pun :(
TQ dear, what a way to end a holiday uhhhh. We were gone for 3 nights only...
Dear Nana,
I was thinking that I should print them out too.
I guess I never learn my mistake. The other day, the same disk gave me a scare.. I lost the data inside. After that I told myself I should have another backup, still I did nothing. And now all is gone :(
Dear Angelina,
You make me smile :D
Could you please "mundrom" so all felines in the world would go to the thief's house(s) and poo poo there. And let the thief be someone who is allergic to cats!!! Let him suffer!!!!
oh dear, sorry about the break-ins n your loss...semoga Allah SWT gantikan dengan yang lebih baik lagi..amiin.
Sorry that I missed reading this earlier..hope u all are okay..yes, so sweet of ur DS.
take care.
Bila Allah swt menguji kita, bermakna Dia masih menyayangi kita...
InsyaAllah, kesabaran kalian bertiga akan mendatangkn nikmat yg tak terhingga...
Dear Cheqna,
InsyaAllah, Allah gantikan dengan yang lebih baik, amiin.
Don't worry about it... you know i lost "something" much much precious than that years ago.. but still sad le :(
Cikgu Murne,
TQ. Setiap ujian datang sebagai peringatan, mohon Allah sedarkan dan kuatkan iman hamba yg lemah ini.
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