One fine day, on the way to school.....
They filled up both the pedestrian and the cycling path...
We had to step in between them to get through....
Marked green for shearing?
And left a lot of d*** for us to step on...
These are not uncommon scenario in Holland, this was my third encounter with the furry woolies since I moved to Den Haag.
hehe..lepas camtu aje. nasib baik tak kena kejar :-)
xleh tngok muka biri2 tu...coz cameraman brdiri kat blkg...
n cameraman kne tinggal oleh biri2 tu..mana sedap daging biri2 ngan kambing..?
Mother of Ilham,
Patut kutip d*%&# tu buat baja pokok tulip. purrr....meow!
Lady Lavender,
Tu kali ketiga kami terjerembak ngan biri2 ni... heran juga. Yg sekali tu... dekat dgn jalan besar lagi. Sebenarnya takut juge kena kejar... he..he..
Pak Wi(boleh panggil nama ni? walaupun tahu masih muda hihi),
Memang niat nak ambil gmbr biri2 dari depan, konon nak bergambar dlm gerombolan biri2 tu... tapi takut pulak mereka terkejut & jadi ganas pulak!! Mana tahu... dulu arwah nenek kena kerja kambing hingga ke tangga atas madrasah, tergeliat tangan arwah kena tanduk!!
Sedap makan grilled lamb!! Keju biri2 & kambing pun sedap.. tapi mahal dari keju biasa.
Sorry Pak Wi.. arwah nenek kena kejar !! bukan kerja !!
Dear Cats,
Ha..ha..ha... Good idea!!! Tapi d*&@# nya pelik sikit... bersepah & kecik2, agaknya sebab di lenyek oleh kaki2 yg banyak tu, dahla tu..baru lepas hujan renyai2 pulak!! uwekkk!!! Tapi taram je pijak !!
Tapi sebelum kutip tu kena study the rules there, silap2 kena saman sebab "menceroboh"..hehehe
some of those may be dah jadi lamb chops by now?
Esoknya... depa spray ehh bukan mcm vacumn gitu tahi2 tu ketepi jalan... jadi x la geli nak pijak lagi :)
Memang ada lamb chop dalam petisejuk!! agaknya dari yg sekor yg tertinggal di belakang tu ha..ha..
haha...kambing sesat dari mana tu? Dekat ladang ke tempat tu? We hardly see any animals other than cats and dogs here. Nak tengok kambing dan lembu kena bayar entrance fee masuk ladang. :)
Dear Nana,
Tak tahu la dari mana datangnya biri2 ni.. rasanya dari keliling kawasan ni juga sbb Belanda memang banyak penternakan.
That's the nice thing about Holland.. they encourage nature. Little farms for children are abundant, every area sure have at least one farm. My house is next door to a kinder boerderij (children farm), and they have a few animals like sheep, goat, cows, roosters, ducks and horses too. Wild ducks and swans are around too freely roam the canals.
Yeah...Very nice blend of nature and community. I love it very much! :)
Nana, of course there are bad things too... such as the awful smell (sometimes, not all the time) hahaha...
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